Monday, April 20, 2009

Ready to Rock 'n Roll

I just signed up for the inaugural Seattle Rock 'n Roll marathon (or half marathon, in my case). I know I'm probably a little crazy for doing so based on the stomach episode following my last race. But I love a good time and a band every mile sounds soooo fun.

Seattle is cold almost year round so I usually run in my Lululemon boogie crops. The RnR race is in June so I'll likely need to wear shorts (ick) or a running skirt. Can any runners out there recommend a skirt? I need it to be long...especially the under shorts.


  1. Sweet, running in a skirt sounds fun! So girly!

  2. You can always wear the Nike tennis skirt with attached shorts underneath (I would think!). Very comfortable and breathable and same fabric as your Lululemons, albeit might be a bit shorter?... an alternative! And yes, we think you are crazy!

  3. I hope you have fun! We have the SA Rock N Roll Marathon and my friends run it...I've never worn a running skirt, so I don't know!
