Monday, February 2, 2009

Dismal economy

I try not to dwell on the economic condition of our country right now. I frankly don't have time to watch the news so I'm not really as informed as a should be. I think things in Seattle have changed but probably not as much as other parts of the country. The real estate market is S-L-O-W here but home values haven't completely plummeted. I'm definitely no expert but that's how I see it.

How has the economy affected life in your city? Are houses moving? Are people still shopping? De-lurk yourself and let me know....consider yourself my economic news source.


  1. Wanted to stop in and say hi! Things are slow where I live, so we're lucky they're not terrible.

  2. Umm, living in South Florida, doing free after rebate cosmetics, and almost cried when I got a $62 gift card from Saks in the mail yesterday meaning I can finally BUY something. Enough said.

  3. Things seem kinda dead around town, but I still see people in the mall shopping and eating out. We've had some homes on the market but not a mass exodus!

  4. SLOW! No bites on my house yet! Pinching pennies where I can!

    Hey S&S...How did you get that gift card?

